Easy Slope Work Platforms
Product Information
Easy Slope Work Platforms provide a safe area for working at height and are suitable for multi-purpose use in factories and warehouses.
Manufactured from durable tubular steel, these easy-slope work platforms are fitted with a handlock mechanism that engages the front castors so that the steps become mobile or static. The punched steel treads (730 x 195mm) and platforms (1200 or 1800mm) always ensure a secure grip. The box section base gives extra strength and stability.
This model has an Easy Slope 50-degree angle, enabling you to turn around and descend facing forward. It Features Lift-out handrails on three sides of the platform, allowing easy access to your working area. With a Load capacity of 300kgs, this standard work platform can support two persons at the same time. It is finished powder coated in Blue or Grey. It was manufactured in the UK and is guaranteed for three years.
No. of Treads Platform L mm Platform Ht mm O/all Size H x W x D mm 3 1200 750 1705 x 920 x 1690 4 1200 1000 1955 x 920 x 1900 5 1200 1250 2205 x 920 x 2110 6 1200 1500 2455 x 920 x 2320 7 1200 1750 2705 x 920 x 2530 8 1200 2000 2955 x 920 x 2740 9 1200 2250 3205 x 920 x 2950 10 1200 2500 3455 x 920 x 3160 3 1800 750 1705 x 920 x 2280 4 1800 1000 1955 x 920 x 2490 5 1800 1250 2205 x 920 x 2700 6 1800 1500 2455 x 920 x 2910 7 1800 1750 2705 x 920 x 3120 8 1800 2000 2955 x 920 x 3330 9 1800 2250 3205 x 920 x 3540 10 1800 2500 3455 x 920 x 3750
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